
This is an informal project to track the progress of Valley Park, a development of over 4000 houses.   Essentially, it’s an index to the planning application and other sources relevant to the Valley Park development.

There is no guarantee that it is up-to-date or complete, and the details are for information only, and are not definitive.

Please use the comment option to add information or make comment.  Comments are moderated, and only constructive comments will be approved.  However, comments on this website will NOT be seen nor accepted by the developers or the planning officers as formal comments on any of the applications .

Always refer to the developer or the Vale of White Horse Planning Database for the full status of any application.

This website hosted and managed by David Marsh, resident of Harwell. [contact]

How to use the website

All entries have a category.  Use the menu top right to select a required category.

Tags/keywords are used to indicated status (e.g. no decision/ approved/ rejected), applicant (TW, Persimon etc), and, in case of Discharge Applications, the parent application number.  All tags should be clickable so as to find all related entries.

Skip to the bottom of any page, and the footer provides additional options for finding entries.

There is also a search option (top right, and from the footer).


Maintaining this website depends on receiving email alerts from the Vale notifying that new applications have been received.  Alerts should also be issued if a consultation is extended, or when decisions have been made, but that does not seem to happen for all applications.  e.g. three Discharge applications were rejected in  July 2022, but no notifications were received.  This may be because the application was not considered as being open for public consultation.

Valley Park. Feb 2022
Valley Park. From Cow Lane, by the A34 bridge, looking north. Feb 2022

Page last updated 28 July 2023.